One of the debates revolves around the Return To Krypton scene or RTK as it has been dubbed by the fans. Above is some amazing artwork done by Ben Proctor who not only worked on the RTK scene but also some Smallville scenes and the FOS (Fotress of Solitude). Ben's work is truly amazing and you can check out what he did with Superman Returns and other movies such as Transformers by clicking the link below.
While on the subject of Superman Returns, as above one of the hot topics before, during, and after production was the suit. Thanks to Steve Younis at Supermanhomepage and concept designer Eddie Yang, we can compare Bryan Singer's version of the suit to the concepts below before Bryan was brought on board to direct Superman Returns. I would advise if you're a Superman fan that you check out Eddie's page, you will also find concept designs for Tyzor, a villian from JJ Abram's Flyby script. Enjoy.
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