Slice of Sci Fi is reporting that Bryan Singer will indeed go forward with a sequel to Superman Returns according to the below movie talk snippit and podcast report.
Movie Talk: Contrary to reports last year that director Bryan Singer opted out of returning to helm the “Superman Returns” sequel, the famous director has decided to accept Warner Bros’ offer and return to the center seat.
Thanks to "\S/JcDc\S/" of for the scoop and "Super Kal", also from The Hype, for the Superman manip.
*The Podcast is reporting the budget will be 170 million and the movie will not be out until 2011 or 2012 with a start date of 2010. According to the podcast there are no screenwriters attached and it seems that the studio is now straying from the Jason storyline and it this could mean the end of Brandon Routh as Superman.
This report sounds as if it is being pieced together from previous reports but the 2011 and 2012 release date sounds off to me.
I think there are a lot of holes in this report that were either filled in by the reporters or created by them.
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