Now we continue to explore the question, "Who will write Superman: Man of Steel?". The first part speculated on the sequel being written by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. Another possible candidate:
David HayterDavid Hayter is no stranger to comic related films with writing credits on X-Men, X-Men 2, and Watchmen. He is a friend, and worked with Bryan Singer on X-Men, and X-Men 2. On April 18th, 2008, as reported on this blog, David talked about the sequel:
David Hayter was a guest speaker at York University in Toronto Canada about 2 1/2 weeks ago. He came in to discuss his profession with the class and somebody asked him about Superman Returns and what his thoughts were on the movie. He said he thought it was great but the films biggest problem was that "it couldnt decide whether it was a richard donner film or a reboot Singer film"He said bryan is working on the sequel and hes talked to bryan about it and Bryan is aware of the fanboy complaints with SR and is committed to more modern comicbooks for MOS. He also said that Bryan was a hawk when it comes to trying to please the fans and will go all out for this one. He also told the class how much he loathes X-3.
On Tuesday May 27th, 2008 on his own IMDB messageboard, Hayter had this to say:
I have no immediate plans to work with Bryan, though I did talk briefly with his lawyer about the Superman sequel the other day. But I don't think it's likely that I will take it on. Next: David Goyer